Benjamin Patty

  • Graduate Student
  • Hainer Lab


Office: (412) 624-4268
5th & Ruskin Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

BJ Patty and SJ Hainer. Non-Coding RNAs and Nuc

BJ Patty and SJ Hainer. Non-Coding RNAs and Nucleosome Remodeling Complexes: An Intricate Regulatory Relationship. Biology 2020 August 6; 9(8): 213
Ben joined the lab in April 2019, after spending his second rotation with us. Ben graduated from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri in December 2016 with a B.S. in Biology and minor in Chemistry. He spent a year and half working in the R&D side of a major biotechnology company focused on the development of genetically modified organisms. He is currently researching how chromatin factors called remodelers influence the expression of noncoding RNAs at enhancers and promoters in mammalian systems. Ben's claim to fame is that he met Bill Nye (once).