Dr. Kathryn Lanier to speak

Spring 2021 Career Seminar Series

Dr. Kathyrn Lanier

STEM Education Outreach
Director Southern Research


Kathryn Lanier, Ph.D., joined Southern Research in 2017 as the first STEM Education OutreachDirector. In this role, she is responsible for directing a statewide program that aims to inspire youngpeople to pursue careers in science and engineering, in addition to training teachers involved in thesefields. Dr. Lanier was appointed by Governor Kay Ivey to represent Alabama’s 6th congressionaldistrict on the Mathematics Course of Study Committee and Alabama’s 7th congressional district onthe Career Technical Education Course of Study Committee. Dr. Lanier also serves on the Governor’sAdvisory Council for Excellence in STEM.

Prior to Southern Research, Dr. Lanier received her Ph.D. in chemistry from Georgia Tech, where sheworked in the laboratory of Dr. Loren Williams as part of the NASA Center for the Origin of Life. Herwork focused on deconstructing and reverse engineering the ribosome, providing tools forunderstanding the origin of life and for the discovery of new antibiotics. Dr. Lanier received theGeorgia Tech Presidential Fellowship, an award allocated to the top 5% of each doctoral class, for allfour years of her doctoral studies. She was also a Molecular Biophysics and Biotechnology fellow forthree years. In 2018, Kathryn was selected as one of Georgia Southern University's Top 40 under 40.In 2020, Kathryn was named as part of Georgia Tech’s first class of 40 Under 40.

May 6th • 10:30 AM EST

TO REGISTER, PLEASE VISIT: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMocemsqD0iEtTldfEqsa0F2Ym5NPm-sLYI


06 May 2021

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